Wednesday, December 10, 2008
the first time ever i saw your face

ship ship hooray!

no minimum
shop now thru Sunday and get
(within the US)
using code:
offer valid through Sunday,
December 14, 2008.
Hurry! Styles are selling out quickly!!
Monday, November 17, 2008

and save yourself some dough.
take 20% off EVERYTHING
using discount code:
expires tuesday, november 18...so hurry!
Monday, November 10, 2008
baby your baby

livingorganicsolutions.com also carries food-grade, organic children's toothpaste and underarm deodorant (great for preggo-rriffic or nursing mamas!) and organic cleaning products. we chix think living organic solutions is the bees knees! the cat's pajamas! only, since their products are vegan-friendly, contain no animal derivatives and are never tested on animals...there are no ACTUAL bee knees incorporated into said products...and we can only assume the cat is still in possession of her pj's ;)
Friday, October 31, 2008
spooktacular savings

with 2 chix monstrously hip maternity clothing!
Use code bootee to receive 20% off anything on our
wickedly wonderful website, www.2chix.com
discount expires at midnight on halloween...so hurry!
happy haunting to you and your boo-tiful belly.
Monday, October 20, 2008
veggie tales

we all want our kids to eat healthy food...right? right. what we don't want, however, is to battle over broccoli. to struggle over spinach. to go headlong into a green bean war with a 4 year old who will, with lightning speed, clamp his little mouth shut and declare silent victory...again. perhaps, then, it's time for a sneak attack. no, we are not suggesting you drop baby peas into his open mouth while he sleeps. we have something much more stealth in mind- The Sneaky Chef: Simple Strategies for Hiding Healthy Foods in Kids' Favorite Meals, by Missy Chase Lapine. awesome, tasty, kid-friendly recipes that you secretly load with fruits and veggies while your kids are in the other room plotting how to flush the dvd player down the toilet. brownies, muffins, mac and cheese, pizza...all the stuff your child will actually eat...are in this book! could it be the veggie war is over? if only our mothers had known...
check out this brownie-licious recipe:Brawny Brownies
Monday, October 13, 2008
SIDS awareness month

october is SIDS awareness month, a time to educate parents, care givers and family members about the risk factors associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
the american academy of pediatrics recommends the following important guidelines to help reduce the risk of SIDS (NOTE- always consult your own pediatrician for his/her recommendations.):
- Place your baby in a safety-approved crib with a firm mattress and a fitted sheet.
- Never put your baby to sleep on a chair, sofa, water bed, cushion, or sheepskin.
- The safest place for your baby to sleep is in the room where you sleep, but not in your bed.
- Place your baby's crib or bassinet near your bed (within an arm's reach) to make breastfeeding easier and help you watch over your baby.
- If bumper pads are used, they should be thin, firm, well secured, and not "pillow-like."
- Blankets, if used, should be tucked in around the crib mattress. They should not reach any higher than your baby's chest. Try using sleep sacks or sleep clothing instead of a blanket to avoid the risk of overheating.
- Keep pillows, quilts, comforters, sheepskins, and stuffed toys out of your baby's crib. They can cover your infant's face—even if she is lying on her back.
Other ways to reduce the risk
- Do not let your baby get too warm during sleep. Use light sleep clothing. Keep the room at a temperature that feels comfortable for an adult.
- Do not smoke during pregnancy. Also, do not allow smoking around your baby. Infants have a higher risk of SIDS if they are exposed to secondhand smoke. One of the most important things parents and caregivers who smoke can do for their own health and the health of their children is to stop smoking.
- Pacifiers may help reduce the risk of SIDS. However, if your baby doesn't want it or if it falls out of his mouth, don't force it. If you are breastfeeding, wait until your baby is 1 month old before using a pacifier.
- Avoid products that claim to prevent SIDS. Most have not been tested for safety. None have been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS.
- Home monitors should also be avoided. While they can be helpful for babies with breathing or heart problems, they have not been found to reduce the risk of SIDS.
- Give your baby plenty of "tummy time" when he is awake. This will help strengthen neck muscles and avoid flat spots on his head.
- Share this information with anyone who cares for your baby, including babysitters, grandparents, and other caregivers.
Friday, October 10, 2008
got sale?
use discount code CRAVE30 to receive a whopping 30% off all your fav funky maternity clothes.
sale ends sunday, oct. 12th...so hurry!
yes, we are giving you a little mama perk
because,well...that's just how we roll ;)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
snug as a bug

hello fellow chix! today, we're shining the spotlight on one haute "momtrepreneur"- accessories designer and stay-at-home mama, elizabeth wilson. frustrated with the lack of stylish baby accessories on the market, elizabeth started making her own baby blankets. before long, everyone on the block was requesting her sassy custom-made "woobies" to give as shower gifts and to wrap around their own little bambinos. soon, with the help of her mother mary (a seamstress) and her sister victoria, elizabeth turned her talent and hobby into a thriving business. luvmywoobie.com sells unique, high-end, ultra-hip baby blankets made from luxurious fabrics such as chanille, silk brocade, flannel and satin. oooooooo, tres chic! they also offer a selection of organic and hypoallergenic woobies AND they donate a portion of the profit of all sales to several different charitable organizations. but, the best best best thing about luvmywoobie? each super-adorable cozy blankie features a special baby pocket equipped with velcro closures so your baby can feel as safe and snuggly as a baby kangaroo. we chix wonder if luvmywoobie can make mommy-sized woobies...featuring an i'm-having-a-hectic-day pocket that is always magically filled with chocolate and glasses of red wine ;)
Friday, September 26, 2008
footloose and fancy free

when you think of "podiatrist recommended" or "orthopedically approved" you think of chunky, nurse-like, not-so-attractive footwear, right? well, think again, chicken friends! pediped has managed to combine foot-friendly, doctor-approved design with super duper cuteness to come up with a great line of children's shoes. the tag line, the next best thing to barefeet, says it all. their adorable footwear is soft and pliable which allows growing feet to develop muscular strength and helps little piggies practice their grasping action- all while protecting tiny tootsies from rough surfaces and dirt. and...the padded soles add extra comfort. pediped has also been awarded the APMA (american podiatric medical association) seal of acceptance...not too shabby. slip a pair of these feet-tastic shoes or boots on your tot (velcro fasteners, by the way..score!)...and she'll be off and running...and looking mighty cute in the process :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
get a leg up
Monday, September 15, 2008
by invitation only

if you're not a preggo mama..but you are the sister, cousin, mother, aunt, co-worker or friend of a preggo mama you may find yourself in the position of being the designated spc (shower planner chick). so,for starters...you're gonna need some pretty great invitations, right? well, my fellow chix, we have just the fix. invitations by paper style has an 8 page (and counting) selection of super-cool invites to choose from that range in style from mod to fancy to cutsie to art deco to just plain hip. and, if you are a previously knocked up mama whose bundle has already arrived, paper style has a large selection of equally haute birth announcements to help you introduce your newest off spring in style.
Monday, September 8, 2008
don't worry, be happy

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
the fab five

1. skully swipes: slim, travel baby wipe holder in way cool styles. we adore this of-the-moment skull design...it makes us feel just a little hipper ;)
2. paulina quintana original diaper bag: dump the frump and pick up this fabulous leather diaper bag that comes in 9 hot colors. this looks especially hot with our v-neck peek-a-boo ;)
3. the bugaboo bee : everyone is buzzing about this bee. perfect for the jet set and those who like to travel light. known for comfort and portability. accommodates a child from birth to four years. comes in fun, bright colors.
4. coco lounger in plexi: sleek, chic baby lounger in a variety of colors that blends with any home decor. holds a newborn or a baby up to 26lbs. we likey.
5. bloom fresco high chair: the chix dig this high-chair-to-play-seat combo that has a pneumatic lift for height adjustment. it reclines, swivels full circle and is lightweight. very mod.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
tattoo you

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
hollywood...or bellywood?

1. jennifer garner and ben affleck- good things come to those who mate- for sure!
2. rebecca romijn and jerry o'connell- a sexy black let the love grow tank and a look what i did daddy tee fit the bill for this blonde babe and her beau.
3. matt damon- matt was "bourne" to wear he shoots, he scores (yeah...we couldn't resist).
4. ashley simpson and pete wentz- a stylin' duo in a black knocked up tank and a burn-out daddy tee. paparazzi perfect.
5. lisa marie pressley- her twin-fabulous belly screams my pod has two peas.
6. gwen stephani and gavin rossdale- in a we're hungry boy beater and a my boys can swim daddy tee...this couple rocks.
And in post production news...
brad pitt and angelina jolie- brangelina are definitely changing the world one diaper at a time, don't ya think?
halle berry- this 009 bombshell wears everything well before, during and after pregnanacy...especially our 40 week skirt.
jessica alba- 2 months after baby Jess is lookin' like one haute mama.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
extra, extra, read all about it

if you are expecting your first baby, let's face it...your world is about to be rocked. and, being bombarded with advice is a part of pregnancy we don't necessarily...ummm, cherish. that said, there are some very well-written books on the market today that can really help parents-to-be prepare for their new arrivals. our resident preggofabulous "chick"offers these books as her 3 picks for best baby's-almost-here-and-we're-still-clueless pieces of literature:
1. the happiest baby on the block, by dr. harvey karp- covering topics such as colic, why babies cry and how to soothe a baby, this is an easy & interesting read that of course you won't ever need because your baby is not going to cry ;)
2. happy child, healthy sleep habits, by marc weissbluth- being deemed the "sleep bible" by some of our mama-chick friends, we're told..."don't give birth without it." check it out for yourself...and get more zzzzzz's.
3. girlfriend's guide to pregnancy: or everything your doctor won't tell you, by vicki iovine- fun, wise and witty. takes a sassy look at everything from cesareans to cellulite and puts it all in laywoman's terms. it's one giant "you go girl!" for the expectant mama.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
topsy turvy
Monday, July 21, 2008
itz about time

Friday, July 18, 2008
stay cozy

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
clip clip hooray

Thursday, July 10, 2008
for those about to rock

husband and wife team (oh...and also full time emergency room physicians and parents to 2 little boys!), cindy parker and scott stoughton, have carved out a niche for themselves in the world of children's clothing. the couple, who started oohlalamama in 2006, offer edgy rocker-style designs for children from birth to six years of age. we happen to adore this rock star tee, but if you prefer a more traditional style, ooh la la mama also offers these precious bloomer sets in several different styles. to check out their entire line, visit www.oohlalamama.com. we "chix" think their stuff..well, rox ;)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
dont bug me

warm weather is here bringing with it picnics in the park, backyard bbq's, summer camp...and pesky mosquitoes. with all that time spent out of doors, and the incidence of west nile virus on the rise, ya gotta protect you and yours from those biting little buggers. but what insect repellent can you trust to work effectively that will not also expose your children to poisonous chemicals? according to the new england journal of medicine, organic bite blocker, is the #1 one ranked natural bug spray. made from plant extracts like soybeans and geraniums, it is apparently safe, natural and, according to the USDA, as effective as DEET in repelling mosquitoes, flies and more. oh yeah, and it's waterproof so fill up the super soakers, turn on the sprinklers, roll out the slip n slide. It is, after all, summertime.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
on the lamb

hey little bo peep, 2 chix found one of your sheep! but, sorry little lady...we're not giving him back just yet. this little lamb is way too valuable to the sleep-deprived mamas of the world. winner of the i-parenting award and and stamped with the national parenting center's seal of approval, this woolly companion helps lull your baby to sleep using calming sounds such as a mother's heartbeat or the soothing sound of the ocean. and we all know- if baby sleeps, mama sleeps. ewe (yes, we're having fun with this one) can find sleep sheep at several on-line sites such as www.sleepsheep.com or belbambini.com. we think this is one baaaaaaad sheep, but in a good way.
sheepishly yours,
2 chix.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
juicy before juice boxes

your hips are expanding, your ankles are swelling, your back aches...you're pregnant. so maybe you don't always feel so hot on the inside, but there is no reason you can't look SO HOT on the outside. we know real beauty is only skin deep, but mama, if looking sexy during pregnancy is a crime...we're your partners in crime! check out this great pair of maternity jeans by juicy couture. made of distressed stretch denim and featuring a three inch elastic front waistband, these jeans will keep you as comfortable as you are fashionable. pair them with the 2 chix chalk v-neck peek-a-boo tee or the black we're hungry tee, slip on your favorite flats and you're good to go...to the little league game, to your prenatal yoga class, or to starbucks for that non-fat, decaf, one pump latte you've been jonesin' for all day.
Friday, June 13, 2008
kid tested, 2 chix approved

do you find you're always wiping...something...off your child's sweet face? yeah...us too. that's why we love momspit. this alcohol free foam seems to magically dissolve even the stickiest mess from the cruddiest kid fingers, face...or whichever body part needs a little spiffying up. and, in the interest of being earth friendly, momspit containers are refillable and recyclable. the name...does not conjure up the most appealing memories. but, take it from 2 chix...and our sticky little offspring..this stuff rocks.
let's hear it for the boy

Thursday, June 5, 2008
treat your baby daddy on father's day
even though his work was done some time before you even took your first pregnancy test, give a shout out to that handsome guy who puts the swing in your step, that that flutter in your belly. with the same wit and wisdom that made 2 chix popular with moms-to-be, “daddy by 2 chix” pokes fun at "operation baby" from the dad's point of view.
check out funny tees for dads-to-be from Daddy® by 2 chix. they're a great Father's Day gift idea, and you'll be the coolest mom for thinking of it!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
pamper yourself...until you have to "pamper" your baby

Baby's on the way, so why not use the next 40 weeks to baby yourself..just a little. Here are nine 2 chix approved ways to make your each of your 9 months a little more mama-friendly. Go ahead, indulge.
1. Relax your body and mind with a soothing prenatal massage. Ahhhhh.
2. Become a bronze babe...while avoiding the damaging rays of the sun- try an organic, pregnancy safe tan!
3. Getting all gussied up for a special event? Splurge on a hair and makeup artist who knows how to enhance your natural glowing beauty. Check out www.onlocationbeauty.com
4. Pretty up those fingers and toes with natural pregnancy-safe mani and pedi. Try these toxin-free nail polishes by zoya.
5. Beat the summer heat with a decadent decaf mocha frappuccino...extra whip please ;)
6. Take some stress off your blooming belly with a refreshing dip in a salt water pool.
7. Head to a local bakery and enjoy a scrumptious cupcake! Try Vanilla Bake Shop or Sprinkles Cupcakes- oh. so. yum.
8. Kick back with a non-alcoholic,summer-perfect virgin margarita...and don't forget the chips and salsa!
9. Get in touch with your zen side with some prenatal yoga...ommmmmmmm (we recommend haute mamas always consult their physicians before engaging in any pregnancy exercise routines).
Friday, May 30, 2008
maternity fashion gets burned

There is a smokin’ new look sweeping the nation from LA to the Big Apple; sizzling hot burnout tees. The thin, super-soft, weathered tees, which are all the rage this season, look equally fab paired with a skirt and strappy heels or designer jeans and your most comfortable flats.
the only thing this style favorite has not been paired with yet? the kickin’ curves of the hip and pregnant …until now, that is. 2 chix, known for their popular pregnancy tees, has come out with their own version of the burnout tee that is specifically made to fit blooming bellies; the peek-a-boo tee. this tee, which comes in both v-neck and crew neck, is form-fitting, long enough to cover a belly full of baby, super-soft and generally just perfect for “mamanistas” looking for nine months of comfort and forty weeks of sexy.
for a maternity company infamous for their witty slogans, their peek-a-boo tee will leave you speechless…without saying anything at all.
Friday, May 16, 2008
let the love grow

do you LOVE your 2 chix tees???? if so...tell Oprah!!!!
whether you received one as a gift...or bought yourself a tee or two...spread the word! oprah is looking for feedback on your favorite mama-to-be items.
click here to LET THE LOVE GROW!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
go team lisa!

Friday, May 2, 2008
moms-to-be have it down to a tee

angelina’s doing it, minnie’s doing it, j-lo did it, everyone’s doing it…literally.
it seems that our favorite thespians have been working on some “productions”
of their own during the recent writer’s strike, if you know what I mean. hollywood
is booming with blooming bellies and celebrity moms are successfully balancing motherhood and career with more grace then ever.
this super-mom trend runs not only through the famous hills of hollywood, but throughout the world. moms everywhere are bringing home the bacon and frying it up in the pan all at once. wearing form-fitting fashions that embrace their pregnancies, these multi-tasking mamas are taking on the world.
one company in particular has today’s expectant style down to a tee, a maternity tee! 2 chix maternity’s ultra-chic tees, tanks and hoodies are flying off the shelves and onto the tummies of moms who crave a wardrobe that compliments their savvy lifestyles. this wildly popular company, most recently featured on entertainment tonight as a “celebrity mama favorite,” has added even more designs to their already fabulous line. “you had me at epidural”, "pregzilla" and “changing the world one diaper at a time”, cleverly chuckle at the many sides of pregnancy and, as always, achieve a level of softness 2 chix has single-handedly conquered with their specially weaved, vintage-style designs.
pair one of these tees or tanks with super-hot true religion jeans and a great pair of prada flats, and you’re off and running…to your mommy and me class, to the set of your new movie…or just to starbucks for that decaf, non-fat, extra foam latte you so deserve. rock on millennium mama…rock on.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
prenatal swimming - a DO!!!
so while my 'net surfing had made me confident that the ugly, bulgy things would probably go away after baby #2 arrives, in the meantime i had a problem. they HURT. they hurt when i stood for long periods of time. they even hurt when i got out of bed in the morning and just stood to brush my teeth.
so i dragged my tired, preggo butt outside and started swimming. at first i started with 40 laps per swim. then, i slowly worked up to 60, and then 80. now, i'm logging over 100 about 3 times/week.
and you know what...? after a few weeks of swimming regularly, those nasty veins stopped hurting. and i mean completely. how cool is that?
not only that, i feel great. i have tons more energy, and am only gaining my healthy pregnancy lbs that my Doc prescribes.
so go ahead...get out there and swim! or walk. or do prenatal yoga. the point is, take a little bit of time especially for yourself and your health. your body and baby-to-be will thank you for it.
P.S. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS check with your Doctor before starting ANY exercise program.